Appartamento OSTROBRAMSKA Gocław - Praga - Varsavia - Polonia

Warszawa Praga-Południe, Ostrobramska


numero di riferimento: OST-1-1B-4P

42Spazio abit. 2nº di camere 4per le persone 0letti singoli 2letti matrimoniali

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Through the centuries, Warsaw's right-bank – the area called Praga – was an independent town, and it became formally attached to Warsaw only in the late 18th century. For years it was a secondary part of the city that survived the devastation of war, with three different religions (Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Judaism) peacefully co-existing. Today it is a fascinating district, overflowing with artistic studios, galleries, alternative theaters and underground clubs. Thanks to this infusion of cool culture, many of the surviving post-industrial buildings have been turned into cultural centres, cinemas, galleries and pubs. But it is also in Praga that we can find many streets which were undamaged during World War II, and so there are some beautiful pre-war lamp-posts, sidewalks and apartment blocks.


Zoological Garden

ul. Ratuszowa 1/3, tel. Opened in 1928, in the northern part of Praski Park. During World War II it was completely destroyed and re-opened in 1948. Today there are about 5,000 animals representing nearly 500 species, but the real attraction are the brown bears, whose paddock is located outside the garden and zoo walls, and who are much admired by passers

Kościół MBLChurch of Our Lady of Loreto (Kościół Matki Bożej Loretańskiej)
ul. Ratuszowa 5a This is the oldest temple in Praga, built in the first half of the 17th century. Its designer was the royal architect Konstanty Tencalla. Inside there is the so-called house of Loreto (a copy of The House of Our Lady in the Italian town of Loretto), in which the 15th-century statue of the Virgin Mary Kamionkowska is placed.
Plaża nad Wisłą
Beach on the Vistula (Plaża nad Wisłą)

ul. Wybrzeże Helskie 1/5 The beach is several hundreds of meters long, and open only during summer; it sees loads of visitors due to numerous attractions: lawn chairs, wicker baskets, volleyball and badminton fields, and in the evening, concerts and DJ's. There is also the undeniable added charm of being able to get an unparalleled view of the Old Town, in all its splendor. On the Vistula River there are two other beaches, located on the Cypel Czerniakowski and Wał Miedzeszyński Street, which runs level with Kryniczna Stree

Katedra św. Floriana
Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel and Florian the Martyr - Minor Basilica (Katedra św. Michała Archanioła i św. Floriana Męczennika - Bazylika Mniejsza)

ul. Floriańska 3

Construction of this Catholic church began to meet the pastoral needs of the parish, but also as a direct response to the 'Russification' of Poland; in this way, the church was a form of protest and an act of defiance. In the second half of the 19th century, the monumental Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene was created in Praga, prompting the priest of the local parish to build a new, neo-Gothic form of the Catholic church: its soaring 75-meter-tall towers were visible from afar, and dominated the onion dome of the nearby Orthodox church. During World War II, the church was completely ruined, the only surviving fragments being the external walls and two statues: those of  St. Michael the Archangel and St. Florian. Reconstruction lasted until 1970, and was undertaken using bricks that were produced in the 19th century, to give the new church a sense of authenticity.







dawna komora wodna
Former Water Chamber

ul. St. Kłopotowskiego 1/3

This is one of the oldest and most valuable buildings on the right-bank of Warsaw; it’s also called the House of Columns.
Built and designed by Antonio Corazzi between 1824-1825, it was for the City Department of Bridges. The building was situated at the entrance to the boat bridge, which was used to cross to the other side of the Vistula River, and it was here that tolls were paid. The chamber performed this function until 1864, when the first permanent crossing of the Vistula River was built – the Kierbedź Bridge. On the building’s facade is a carved relief by Tomasz Accardi, which represents Neptune’s (the god of the sea) chariot drawn by fish-tailed horses, and surrounded by dolphins. Also interesting are the cast-iron plates documenting the record heights of the Vistula’s water levels in 1813, 1839 and 1844.
In 2007-2008 the building underwent a general overhaul, currently, it houses a branch of the Warsaw City Office.

Pomnik Kościuszkowców
Monument of Kościuszko Division (Pomnik Kościuszkowców)

ul. Wybrzeże Szczecińskie

Monument to soldiers of the 1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Infantry Division, who died trying to help during the Warsaw Uprising.
A monument commemorating the soldiers of the Polish 1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Infantry Division. In September 1944, they failed in their attempt in crossing to the left bank of the Vistula River, trying to assist during the Warsaw Uprising. The monument was designed by Andrzej Kasten at the initiative of the Polish Army Veterans Association and Kościuszko Club. It shows a soldier extending his hand, in a dramatic gesture, toward Warsaw’s left-bank. The 12-meter high bronze statue was unveiled in January 1985. The creator of the monument’s architectural environment is B. Chyliński



Pomnik Kapeli Praskiej
Monument of Praga's Backyard Orchestra (Pomnik Praskiej Kapeli Podwórkowej)

ul. Floriańska/ul. Kłopotowskiego Revealed in 2006, this monument presents a neighbourhood band from the days when such musicians roamed the courtyards of Warsaw, especially in the Praga neighbourhood, and played popular Warsaw tunes. In the band are a violinist, accordion player, guitarist, banjo player, and a drummer. A small square with benches surrounds the monument, where one can rest and listen to music, including tunes from the pre-war






Metropolitan Orthodox St. Mary Magdalene Church (Cerkiew metropolitalna św. Marii Magdaleny)

al. Solidarności 52

Built in the second half of the 19th century, it is inspired by Byzantine architecture. Previously, St. Andrew's Church stood in this place, but in the late 18th century, as a symbol of Russian domination, the Catholic church was destroyed and the Orthodox church went up. Its purpose was to serve the large Russian colony which lived in the vicinity of today's Jagiellońska Street, and for the numerous travellers arriving from Russia. In the basement, mosaic fragments preserved from the defunct Warsaw council of Alexander Nevski are kept. During World War II the Orthodox church survived, thanks to which the interior retains its original design. This is currently the Cathedral of the Orthodox Church.



ulica Targowa

Rothblith House - ulica Targowa 50/52 At this address stand three houses, at the entrance to the Rożycki Bazaar. Two of them, built for Jewish merchant Berek Rothblith, are the oldest houses which are preserved in ‘Old Praga’. The first from the left was built in 1819, the one on the right was built in 1830. By contrast, the middle house was built in 1873 by another property owner, Antoni Sikorski. In the early 19th century, the houses were all owned by the Fajgenblatt family, and during this period, the buildings were used as Jewish houses of prayer.
In 1996, hidden wall decorations were discovered, which date from 1934. They represent such images as Jews praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and Rachel's Tomb.
Currently, the buildings belong to the Museum of Praga. After their renovation, which is scheduled to end in 2012, the exhibition spaces will be housed here

ulica Ząbkowska
Ząbkowska Street
One of the main streets of old Praga, the oldest buildings are from the 19th century. For many people this place is 'Praga's Old Town'. Walking along Ząbkowska we can see how the Praga's architecture evolved from the second half of the 19th century to now. The oldest surviving house on this street is a small ground-floor house (No. 14), which is from 1866. The house at No. 7 is from 1880 (though it has been restored)  and is considered by many to be the most beautiful house of Ząbkowska Street. At No. 2 there is one of the most recognisable buildings in Praga – it's a four-floor, renovated house, which belonged to Szejna and Tychoński, which dates from 1914.




Koneser - old vodka factory

ul. Ząbkowska 27/31 This is a complex of red brick buildings from the late 19th century, in which, for over a hundred years, an alcohol factory was located. It is one of the most valuable examples of industrial architecture, as some of the buildings are inspired by Gothic influences (look at the front gate, which often makes visitors think of a castle with a small turret). Koneser is now a modern cultural center, with numerous cultural institutions based here: the Konsekwentny Koneser Theatre, several art galleries (including the famous Luksfera Gallery and Klima Bocheńska Galleries), and with many events and concerts.




Fabryka Trzciny
Fabryka Trzciny Art Centre

ul. Otwocka 14 This is the city's famous private art centre; housed in a former factory from 1916, which used to produce marmalade, sausages and 'pepegi' (which were a kind of 'socialist trainer'). Today, the center consists of, among other things, an auditorium, a meeting room, a theater hall, an exhibition hall, spaces used for film festivals, fashion shows, symposiums, conferences, training sessions and events organised for special occasions. This unusual venue is known for its avant-garde style, mixed with tradition and aspects of the original old factory.


Różycki Bazaar (Bazar Różyckiego)
ul. Targowa 54 Founded in the late 19th century by Julian Różycki, who was a pharmacist and owner of several pharmacies. The bazaar was constructed in order to be a major trading center in Praga: originally it had seven indoor stalls. During World War II, it was one of the few places where Warsaw residents could buy goods, derived – with a bit of cunning and quite a lot of danger – from the German military transport vehicles and stores.
After the war the bazaar really flourished. One could buy goods unavailable in state stores, which in the communist times, were often empty anyway. Currently, the bazaar is made up of about 250 merchants, and there are plans for entering the marketplace on the Registry of Monuments, which would make it impossible to ever shut down


Decoteria Cafe
ul. Ząbkowska 16, tel.

Łysy Pingwin
ul. Ząbkowska 11, tel.

W Oparach Absurdu
ul. Ząbkowska 6, tel.

Bar Ząbkowski
ul. Ząbkowska 2

ul. Ząbkowska 27/31

Mucha nie siada
ul. Ząbkowska 38

Sen Pszczoły
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31

ul. Ząbkowska 37

Fabryka Trzciny Art Centre
ul. Otwocka 14, tel.

ul. 11 Listopada 22, tel.

ul. 11 Listopada 22

Skład Butelek
ul. 11 Listopada 22

ul. 11 Listopada 22

4 Pokoje
ul. Wileńska 19

Sens Nonsensu
ul. Wileńska 23, tel.

Cafe Melon
ul. Inżynierska 1

Szynk Praski
ul. Stalowa 37

Wypieki Kultury
ul. Stolarska 2/4

La Playa
ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 1/5

ul. Jagiellońska 13

Centrum Zarządzania Światem
ul. Okrzei 26

Porto Praga
ul. Okrzei 23

ul. Kłopotowskiego 33

al. Solidarności 55

Le Cedre
al. Solidarności 61

Stara Praga
ul. Targowa 18 lok. 33, tel.

Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel
ul. Zamoyskiego 36, tel.

Park Skaryszewski, tel.

Galeria Klimy Bocheńskiej
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31

Galeria Stalowa
ul. Stalowa 26

Galeria Milano
Rondo Waszyngtona 2a, tel.

Nizio Gallery
ul. Inżynierska 3, tel.

Scena Lubelska 30/32
ul. Lubelska 30/32, tel.

Teatr Academia
ul. 11 Listopada 22, tel.

Teatr Baj
ul. Jagiellońska 28, tel.

Teatr Powszechny im. Zygmunta Hübnera
ul. Zamoyskiego 20, tel.

Kino Praha
ul. Jagiellońska 26, tel.

Gosia Baczyńska
ul. Floriańska 6
Original boutique of Polish designer.

Szuflada Galeria
ul. Kawęczyńska 4, tel.
Clothes and accessories.

Ceylon Bazaar
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31


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